If you want to create new questions, you should install a custom Word template on your PC to assist you. To edit existing questions using Word, first export them into Word. Using a Word template to create and edit questions You must then save the file to the standard Word format (with a.
When you export questions they are saved in an intermediate Word-compatible format in a file with a. The number of questions you can import in a single Word file is limited by the amount of memory allocated for processes on your Moodle server, but should be at least 1,000 questions or more. If not, send me an email at and I will try to help you out.
If all goes well, your questions in the file should be imported into your course. Select this item, choose the Word file you saved, and import it. Then go to the Question Import form, and you should see a new item in the File format list, 'Microsoft Word table format'. To import questions from a Word file, open the file you just exported, and save it to Word 2010 (. If you see the error message "You need the XSLT library installed in PHP to save this Word file" (xsltunavailable in non-English installations), then your Moodle installation is not configured to support exporting to Word format, and you will need to update it.If no suffix is provided, you must add it in yourself to ensure Word recognises the file format.
You will be prompted to save or open a Word file.Select this item, and choose any question category containing some questions. The File format list should contain the new option 'Microsoft Word table format'.Go to any course question bank that contains at least 1 question, and choose the Export option.Alternatively, create a file /etc/php5/apache2/conf.d/xsl.ini containing the line Change directory to /etc/php5/apache2/conf.d/, and use the command 'sudo ln -s. On Linux platforms, you may need to create a symbolic link from the file, /etc/php5/apache2/mods-available/xsl.ini to, or /etc/php5/apache2/conf.d/20-xsl.ini.and "extension=php_tidy.dll" by removing the semi-colon before them, if present.
d:\winmoodle2\server\php\php.ini on Windows) and uncomment the lines containing "extension=php_xsl.dll".
To enable XSLT and HTMLTidy on a Windows Moodle server, open your PHP configuration file (e.g. If they are not present, then you will need to re-configure PHP and re-start the server. Log in as Administrator, go to Site Administration -> Server -> PHP info, and view the PHP configuration. Check that your Moodle installation supports XSLT, and ideally HTMLTidy too. The plugin can be installed by a Moodle Administrator using the standard Moodle plugin installation process. Word templates to go with the plugin can be downloaded from the demonstration website and are available for Word 20 (Windows), and Word 2011 (MacOSX). Note that MathML equations in questions are not exported in a usable way. This MathML is rendered within Moodle using the MathJax filter. Equation support (import only)Įquations written using the Microsoft Equation Editor in Word can be imported into Moodle as MathML. Both left-to-right and right-to-left languages (such as Arabic and Hebrew) are supported. Similarly, questions can be imported in the same language, not just English. See attached screenshot for an example.Įxported questions are labelled in the language of the current Moodle user interface, and the spell-check language is also set to the correct language. The Cloze question syntax is particularly useful, as it does not require any knowledge of the arcane Moodle syntax instead, use bold for drop-down menu items, and italic for fill-in text fields. Numerical and Calculated questions are exported, but cannot be imported. All the main question types except Numerical and Calculated questions are fully supported. The table structure for each question supports all the question components (stem, answer options, option-specific and general feedback, hints, tags and question meta-data such as penalties, grades and other options). Equations are converted into MathML on import and displayed using the MathJax filter. You can also export questions from the Moodle question bank into structured tables in Word. The plugin also imports tables, images, and equations (when created using the Microsoft Office Equation Editor, not MathType/Wiris or the old Equation 3.0 editor). You can quickly write lots of questions in structured Word tables far more easily than in Moodle directly. This plugin allows quiz questions to be imported from a Word file into Moodle.